Monday, 25 October 2010


What kind of application require standard?

How the standard come up?

Who set up the standards?

RFID standards

Group:  Cambridge AutoID lab

        Dr. Mark Harrison, Cambridge
        Prof. Duncan Mcfarlane   

Research and science?

Scientists do research. The ones who do research are called scientists.

Researchers work on science(research)?

research is a kind of means that leads to a progress on science?

researcher & scientist

seems scientists are extremely excellent researchers, but not all researcher can be called as scientist.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Interesting Quotes

"He must study the present in the light of the past for the purpose of the future."

                                                       -- J. N. Keynes

Wednesday, 13 October 2010


Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Crypto Institutions

Principles of Effective Research--Michael Nielsen

His new book: The future of science

"Developing a taste for what's important:"

 "He advised young people in the audience not to work towards a Nobel Prize, but instead to aim their research in directions that they personally find fun and interesting."

"In fact, in any given research field there are usually only a tiny number of papers that are really worth reading. You are almost certainly better off reading deeply in the ten most important papers of a research field than you are skimming the top five hundred."

"Systematically setting aside time to think (and talk with colleagues) about where the important problems are is an excellent way of developing as a problem-creator."

"On this topic, let me point out one myth that exerts a powerful influence (often subconsciously) on people: the idea that difficulty is a good indicator of the importance of a problem. It is true that an elegant solution to a difficult problem (even one not a priori important) often contains important ideas. However, I believe that most people consistently over rate the importance of difficulty. Often far more important is what your work enables, the connections that it makes apparent, the unifying themes uncovered, the new questions asked, and so on."

[difficulty is not an indicator of the importance of a problem?]

''Zen and the Brain" --Austin

工欲善其事,必先利其器    Sharpen the knife before cutting the wood.